Thursday 25 July 2013


So as I said in a reply to the previous post, my Wife's reply went to my spam folder and I didn't see it for hours! I was a nervous wreck in this time as I was terrified that she was annoyed with the e-mail and was refusing to talk to me. But when i found her reply I couldn't have been happier, it was very short, simply "looks great to me, not sure you have left enough hours in the day to complete all of your tasks".... She had agreed!!! Yes!!!! It was like a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders, we actually managed to have a frank discussion about the whole thing that evening as well and she aired her concerns and I told her the truth about everything, it felt amazing to have this back and forth, there is nothing in the world like opening yourself to your loved one and having them accept you in a way you never EVER believed was possible. After the discussion we both felt much more relaxed about the whole thing, she still worries about being seen as bossy by other people but I explained that she doesn't HAVE to order me around, she can still ask nicely and say please, I still get the same sense of pleasure from helping her out without actually being ordered/told to do it, and I don't expect to do everything on my own, we are still very much a team, she is just the manager as well as a player. This seems to have allayed most of her fears for now and we are full steam ahead. She actually questioned how far she could push her power by asking how I would react if she told me to cancel my weekly friends night! I explained that I would be upset if I felt she was doing it for no reason at all, but if she just wanted to have me to herself for the evening that it would be no problem at all, this stems from her often expecting me to cancel my football games in the past which became a massive issue in our relationship as I felt she was doing it for no reason, and although I was still submissive it was hidden and as I was getting no feedback from the STEALTH submission it was causing all kinds of rifts and arguments. She decided that may well be a great punishment for me if I step out of line as the ones I had listed I get enjoyment from as well, I agreed that as a punishment that would probably have a bigger impact on me, boy she seems to be picking this up quick "gulp". ha ha

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